Monday, September 14, 2009


A little about Claire-Bear: Claire was born in December 2006. She started life only sleeping 2 hours in a 24-hour period, and crying or screaming the rest of the time. After 6 months of trying everything, we finally found a doctor who believed us that something was wrong and tested Claire’s blood. About 20 hospital stays later, we still don’t have a diagnosis, but based on Claire’s various severe symptoms, she has an assumed mitochondrial disease. Mitochondria are the “powerhouse” of the cell that produce energy for your body to work. Basically Claire’s body doesn’t make enough energy correctly, which in turn causes her to have many seizures daily, as well as being blind, deaf, and having muscle problems that cause lots of pain. She will probably never walk or talk or even hold things, and a rare smile is treasured by all of us. Needless to say, the first year and a half was torture for our entire family (we also have a healthy daughter, Gwen, born in 2004, who has been a trooper through all this as well as comic relief for our family). Now with many medications and therapies and prayers from everywhere, Claire sleeps an average of 5 hours at night, and doesn’t cry constantly in the day (though still a lot). We don’t know how long she’ll be with us (it’s amazing that her poor little broken body has made it this long!) but we try to love her and care for her as best we can while she’s here----hoping she’ll “put in a good word” for us if she gets to Heaven first!

A little about the CD: I made this Christmas CD as a surprise for my mom (wouldn’t I do just about anything for “the woman who gave birth to me”!) She wanted to give a previous CD I made to a relative, but I wasn’t sure about copyrights, so I said No. She suggested I look into copyrights etc, so (long after she forgot) I contacted Sally DeFord who graciously allows people to use her songs with just a few minor stipulations. I love many of her arrangements of traditional Christmas songs, as well as many that she has composed herself. I found more than enough to make a Christmas CD, and started practicing even though Christmas was over. I then asked our landlord, Peter Mac (who is a professional guitarist) if he had the equipment to help me record the CD. He did a great job helping me with the CD and I think it turned out better than any I’ve done before. I hope you enjoy it!

Purchase my Christmas CD: Proceeds go to the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation. Please email for more information. Thank you!

CD Song Selections:1. The Angels Came to Sing
2. Away in a Manger
3. The First Noel
4. The Most Beautiful Story
5. Born is the Light of the World
6. Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
7. Guard Him, Joseph
8. What Child is This?
9. Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella
10. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
11. Peace is Born on Earth
12. Silent Night